Privacy Policy

1. General Provisions


This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy"), developed by Limited liability company "NEXT EDUCATION GROUP LIMITED" in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, including, but not limited to, the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection" No. 2297-VI of 1 June 2010, with the principles and rules of the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) taken, establishes the procedure for obtaining, collecting, accumulating, storing, processing, using, protecting and disclosing personal data (hereinafter referred to as the "Data") through the Website: and/or a mobile application and/or related services/tools (hereinafter referred to as the "Resources") and applies to all information that the Company may receive about you as a User (hereinafter referred to as the "User") when using the Resources owned by the Company and/or used by the Company legally and on which the services are provided by the Company and/or third parties (hereinafter referred to as the "Partners").


By using the Resources, the User definitely and unconditionally consents to the use of their personal data that they provide to the Company and/or contribute to the Company's Resources and Partners, in order to receive information from them and/or provide services on the resources offered. In case of disagreement with these terms, the User shall refrain from using the Resources. 


The Policy applies only to the Resources and does not control third-party sites to which the User may have the access by using the links available on the services, etc. 


Data means any information that directly or indirectly relates to a particular User. This may be: name, surname, patronymic (if any), e-mail address, phone number, region of residence, address of residence/place of stay, information about the Resource User's actions, IP address, data about device (computer, browser type, mobile device operating system) used by the User, messages (information contained in correspondence between Users, as well as in correspondence with the Resource Administration, and other information through which communication is carried out, which, at the request of the User, is provided by them in the registration form and/or when filling out a Personal page on the resources, completing a survey (by filling out a questionnaire or otherwise), writing a message or feedback, or information obtained during oral communication between the User and the Resource Administration as well as information given by the User in terms of using any service provided by the Company. 


Processing of Data means any actions with Data, including but not limited to access, provision, distribution, collection, systematization, storage, accumulation, recording, transfer, blocking, deletion, clarification, updating and/or modification, depersonalization and other ways of using the Data by the Company.


Users may provide Data independently by posting such data on the Resources and/or reporting through telephone channels and/or to the e-mail and/or postal address of the Company, by filling out a survey (filling out a questionnaire or otherwise), or it may be obtained from other sources (in accordance with clause 3 of this Policy), for example, from the User’s feedback (evaluation, comments, confirmation of information) or other information from third parties provided in the course of sending claims, complaints and/or disputes, and/or information from well-known sources on the Internet.


The Users are not entitled to use the Resources if they disagree with the terms of this Policy.


The User acknowledges that in case of his negligent attitude to the security and protection of their Data and authorization data (password and login), third parties may gain unauthorized access to the account and User Data. The company is not responsible for damages caused by such Access.

2. Types of Data Collected

2.1. Personal data of Users received and processed by the Company and Partners may be:

— name, surname, patronymic (if any), date of birth and/or age, contact phone numbers, email address, residential address, other contact details at the request of the User (e.g., work place and/or adress) for communication on the provision of services, receipt of messages/letters/calls;
— information about the User's account (in particular, login, phone number), email address, login and password, account processing data, other Data necessary for servicing Users of the Resource, communication with Users, including the User contacting with the Resources support service;
— information necessary for communication between Users of the Resources, information posted by Users based on the results of their service, reviews, comments, contacting the support service, complaints, claims, other appeals;
— information about the User's actions on the Resources;
— information posted or provided by Users in the process of their participation in events held on the Resources organized by the Company and/or Partners;
— information obtained from Users through the completion of questionnaires or other means notified to the Resources Administration (this may include information, but not exclusively, about family composition (last names, first names, patronymics of such persons, their gender, age, place of residence, contact details), photos, videos of the User (and/or authorized person of the User, etc.);
— information obtained by the Company in a legal manner from partners and/or third parties.

2.2. The Company may also process Data using the following technologies:

— Cookies files (a small amount of data that may include an anonymous unique identifier). Cookies are sent to the browser from the Resources and stored on the User's device. Tracking technologies, which are also used, include beacons, tags, and scripts to collect and track information and to improve services. The User can refuse all cookies files by changing the browser settings. By refusing to use cookies, the User agrees that some parts (functions) of the services may not be available to them;
— Google Analytics (a web analytics service that tracks the traffic of the Website and mobile application and can use the collected information to work with ads of its own advertising network).

3. Use, Exchange and Processing Purposes of Data

3.1. The Company uses and processes the Data for the following purposes:

— carrying out the functions, powers and duties assigned to the Company in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, as well as ensuring the implementation of civil, economic and tax relations;
— identifying the User while using the Resources, communicating with the User, including creation, sending mailings by mail, e-mail, phone number, as well as for the purpose of sending personal offers, digests, news reports on the Resources, and in order to improve the quality of service provision, analyze the activity of Users, search for keywords, manage traffic on the Resources, analyze and predict the preferences, interests of Users; conduct scientific research and analytical activities;
— establishing feedback with the User, including sending messages, requests related to the use of Resources, processing requests and applications from the User;
— for sending mailings, personal offers, digests, advertising messages, additional opportunities for the services use, notifications about news on the Resources by mail, e-mail, telephone number.

3.2. In order to properly fulfill the obligations to provide services, the Company shall transfer your personal data to third parties, in particular:

3.2.1. Our subcontractors, partners, legal entities and/or individual entrepreneurs who provide services to the Company. Agreements have been concluded between the Company and such persons aimed at complying with the confidentiality requirements regarding User's personal data.
3.2.2. Our subcontractors who provide technical, payment and other services. Such subcontractors do not have the authority to use personal data for purposes unrelated to our services provision to you as end users. Agreements have been concluded between such subcontractors and the Company aimed at complying with the confidentiality requirements regarding User's personal data.


The Company does not process data related to race, nationality, political views, religious and other beliefs, membership in public organizations. Information characterizing the physiological characteristics of Users, based on which their identity can be established, is also not processed.

4. Terms of Processing and Transfer of Personal Data of Users to Third Parties


The processing of the User's personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation in the field of personal data.


All Personal Data of the User shall be kept confidential and secure.

4.3. The Company and Partners are entitled to transfer the User's personal data and/or entrust its processing to third parties in the following cases:

4.3.1. The transfer is necessary for the User to use the services of the Company and the Partner; 
4.3.2. In order to ensure the possibility of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the Company and the Partner; 
4.3.3. In other cases established by the current legislation.


Our Resources may contain links to other Resources that are not managed by the Company. If the User follows the link, they may end up on third-party Resources. The Company strongly recommends that the User read the privacy policy on each Resource they visit. The Company does not control and assumes no responsibility for the content, privacy policy or actions of external Resources or third parties' services.

5. How to Change/Delete Data or Revoke Consent


The User can change/delete personal information or opt-out of receiving messages, marketing and promotional offers, digests, etc., or revoke consent to Data processing at any time by sending a message to the email address: If the User has any questions about the Policy, they can contact the Company by using the contact details on the Company's website https: and receive a response within 30 calendar days.


After receiving such a message, the processing of the User's Data will be terminated, and their Data will be deleted, except in cases where such processing may be necessary in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.


The functioning of some features of the Resources, for which information about the User is required, may be discontinued from the moment of changing/deleting Data.


The Company processes and stores Data for the purposes specified in this Policy for the entire period necessary for this, but not more than 15 (fifteen) years from the date of the User's last interaction with the Resources.

6. Data Protection


The Company, when processing Data, applies necessary legal, organizational and technical measures to protect personal information from illegal or unauthorized access, destruction, distortion, blocking, copying, provision, dissemination of personal information, as well as from other unlawful actions in relation to the User's personal information regarding the processing of the Company's personal data and the requirements of the legislation on personal data.


Processing of the User's personal data is carried out on equipment located in protected premises with limited access.


The Company regularly monitors the measures taken to ensure security.

7. Rights of a Personal Data Subject


Know about the sources of collection, the purpose of their processing;


Receive information about the conditions for granting access to personal data, in particular information about third parties to whom his personal data is transferred;


Access to their personal data;


Submit a reasoned request to the personal data owner with an objection to the processing of their personal data; personal data, if this data is processed illegally or is unreliable;


Apply legal remedies in case of violation of the law on personal data protection;


Withdraw consent to the personal data processing;

8. Additional Terms


The Company reserves the right from time to time to unilaterally change the terms of this Policy at any time without notifying the User of such changes. In this case, the updated version will be posted on the page at: If the User does not agree with the changes, they undertake to immediately stop any interaction with the Resources. The fact of continued use of the Resources indicates the User's consent of the Policy relevant version.


The Company is not responsible for any damage or losses suffered by the User or third parties as a result of misunderstanding or not understanding the terms of this Policy.


If the provisions of this Policy, clauses or parts thereof, are recognized as conflicting with the current legislation of Ukraine or invalid, this fact will in no way affect the other provisions of this Policy; they remain fully valid and continue to operate in full, and any other invalid provision or provision that cannot be enforced, without further action by the Parties, shall be considered amended, corrected to the extent necessary to ensure its validity and enforceability.